Let me begin by welcoming everyone to my blog. No matter if this is your first time visiting or you were with me when I set out on this journey a few years ago, welcome to the conversation. After taking a two year hiatus, I wanted my first post to be laid back and set the stage for what to expect in the posts to come. In my time away, I've spent time soaking up new knowledge and perspectives on the healing process and focusing on some intentional healing of my own. I've read lots of books and watched a lot of sermons that have been very therapeutic. As a survivor and advocate, this journey can get heavy at times but it's all worth it.
So, what can you expect when visiting this blog? Let me be clear, I am by no means an expert in the area of sexual violence. I do not have a degree in counseling or psychology. However, what I do have is the power of God and His Holy Spirit living on the inside, 18 years of personal experience as a survivor, and 10 years or more as a trained rape advocate. Out of my own painful experiences was born both my purpose and greatest passion in life, helping survivors understand the truth of what happened and to know that there is life after.
My post will range in topics and view points. I will talk about faith and the role it plays in our healing journey. I spent a year in individual counseling and 3-6 months in group counseling. Admitting I needed help, accepting help, , and receiving help was the greatest thing I could have ever done. However, one thing felt missing and unaddressed, the affects my experiences had on my faith in God. I still believed in God but I had lots of questions. One question in particular, "Why did this happen to me?" I felt abandoned, forgotten, and let down. I needed to know how to heal both in the natural and spiritually. I believe I've reached my sweet spot and balance between the two and I pray it helps you as it has helped me.
Last but certainly not least, I seek to be informative, thought provoking, challenging and life giving to survivors and their support system. We may not always agree but we can always have a healthy conversation. Although I am a survivor, I am open to looking at both sides of the coin. In doing so, the way I see things now and the grace I extend is much different from when I started this journey. At no time, will I ever blame a survivor for what happened. At no time, will I ever suggest that an attacker was right or justified for what they did. I believe wrong is wrong. The more I spend time with God and heal from my own experiences, the more He reveals and I can't wait to share it with you. I've heard Steve Harvey say many times, "We don't always have control over what happens to us but we do have control over how we respond."
Are you ready to talk?